Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Impact of Divorce on Children!

The Emotionally Damaging Statistics Regarding the Impact of Divorce on Children
  • Studies have shown that the death of a parent is LESS devastating to a child than divorce!! 
  • Studies in the early 1980's showed that children in repeated divorces earned lower grades, and their peers rested them as less pleasant to be around ( Cherlin, A.(1981). Harvard University Press.) 
  • Teenagers in single-parent families and in blended families are three times more likely to need psychological help within a given year( Hill. P. (1993). Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry) .
  • Children of divorce are at a greater risk to experience injury, asthma, headaches, and speech defects than children whose parents have remained married) (Dawson, (2003). Journal of Marriage and the Family).
  • Children living with both biological parents are 20-30 % physically healthier than children form broken homes( Dawson, " Family Structure and Children's Health and Well-being" Journal of Marriage and the Family) .
  • Most victims of child molestation come form single-parent households are the children of drug ring members. ( LA Times, 1985). 

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