Monday, November 28, 2011


Autism is one of the disorders that has grabbed my attention for years, for that reason, I’ve decided to address the correlation of the disorder with Mercury on my Doctorate dissertation. Usually in the brain, nerve cells transmit important messages that regulate body functions , everything from social behavior to movement. According to many studies, autistic children have too many nerve fibers, but not all of them are working well enough to facilitate communication between the various parts of the brain. Additionally, scientists have also discovered irregularities in the brain structures of Autistic children themselves, such as in the corpus callosum (which facilitates communication between the two hemispheres of the brain), amygdala (which affects emotion and social behavior), and cerebellum (which is involved with motor activity, balance, and coordination). They believe these abnormalities occur during prenatal development. In addition, scientists have noted imbalances in neurotransmitters , chemicals that help nerve cells communicate with one another, and two of the neurotransmitters that appear to be affected are serotonin (which affects emotion and behavior) and glutamate (which plays a role in neuron activity). Together, these brain differences may account for autistic behaviors.

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